Meeting of the project consortium within the international ERASMUS+ project called GROWTH on March 25 and 26, 2024 in Kruševac

The Academy of Educational and Medical Vocational Studies based in Kruševac is hosting a project consortium meeting within the international ERASMUS+ project called “Greening Relevance in Operations in Western Balkans Tertiary Education Habitats (GROWTH)” on March 25 and 26, 2024 in Kruševac.

This project is part of the European Union’s overall efforts to achieve climate neutrality, as it deals with issues of the development of environmental awareness and the green transition process in the countries of the Western Balkans. The activities of the project are aimed at raising environmental awareness by implementing the concept of green universities and the methodologies and practices of green education in higher education institutions of the Western Balkans.

Director of the University of Bijeljina and project coordinator prof. Boro Krstić, Ph.D., added that it is important to transfer experiences and awareness of sustainable development and greening within the framework of higher education institutions and institutions in the region, which can be done through a project like this. “The project has seven partners, they are colleagues from Kruševac, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, specifically Sarajevo and Mostar, colleagues from Triesdorf, as well as from the faculty from Slovakia, they have been through it all and accepted it, so they are here to help and support us our transition. We will involve students as well, because our goal is to involve as many people as possible in order to better spread the awareness of both higher education institutions and other entities about the needs of environmental protection”.

At the end, he added that the project started on March 1, 2023 and will last until March 1, 2026, but that 2024 is crucial because it begins with the essential steps of concrete realization.

Akademija vaspitačko-medicinskih strukovnih studija sa sjedištem u Kruševcu, domaćin je sastanka projektnog konzorcijuma u okviru međunarodnog projekta ERASMUS+ pod nazivom “Greening Relevance in Operations in Western Balkans Tertiary Education Habitats (GROWTH)” 25. i 26. marta 2024. godine u Kruševcu.

Ovaj projekat deo je sveukupnih napora Evropske Unije ka postizanju klimatske neutralnosti, jer se bavi pitanjima razvoja ekološke svijesti i procesa zelene tranzicije u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana. Aktivnosti projekta usmjerene su ka podizanju ekološke svesti implementacijom koncepta zelenih univerziteta i metodologija i praksi zelenog obrazovanja u visokoškolskim ustanovama Zapadnog Balkana.

Direktor Univerziteta Bijeljina i koordinator na projektu prof. dr Boro Krstić, dodao je da je bitno prenijeti iskustva i svijest održivog razvoja i ozelenjavanja u okviru visokoškolskih ustanova i institucija u regionu, što se može uraditi preko ovakvog projekta. „Projekat ima sedam partnera, to su kolege iz Kruševca, Crne Gore, Bosne i Hercegovine, tačnije Sarajevo i Mostar, kolege iz Triesdorfa, kao i sa fakulteta iz Slovačke, oni su to sve prošli i prihvatili pa su tu da nam pomognu i podrže našu tranziciju. Uključićemo i studente jer nam je cilj da uključimo što više ljudi kako bi što bolje proširili svijest, kako visokoškolskih ustanova tako i drugih subjekata o potrebama zaštite životne sredine“.

Na kraju je dodao da je projekat počeo 1. marta 2023. godine i da će trajati do 1. marta 2026, ali da je 2024. ključna jer se počinje sa bitnim koracima konkretne realizacije.